Tale of the White Wyvern - Friday
Titan: Friday - Cis Feminine Rogue
Level: 10
Experience: 2,157,360
Alive: Yes
Friday was last seen standing in line at the Yar Sisters Bank.
Friday is in a partnership with
Titles Earned: ["Apprentice", "Original Hype", "Scale Holder", "Claw Keeper", "Tooth Bearer", "Wyrmsbane", "Wyvernslayer", "Prestigious", "Prestidigitonium", "Demigod", "Demigoddess", "Demideity", "God", "Goddess", "Deity", "Old God", "Ancient Goddess", "Eternal Deity", "Nephilim", "Titan"]
Wyvern Kills: 320
Player Kills: 32
Total Deaths: 149
Hat: Leather Headpiece
Fishing Pole: Nothing
View Friday's profile on Cheerful Ghost
Friday's News:
Friday was seen at the Pumpkin Festival looking at balloons. Friday bought a balloon and let it get away!
(over 5 years ago) [link]
Crugg and Friday were seen hanging out at the Grey Hood Tavern.
(over 5 years ago) [link]
Friday was seen at the Pumpkin Festival pie eating contest. Friday won first prize!
(over 5 years ago) [link]
Friday was seen at the Pumpkin Festival looking at balloons. Friday bought a balloon and in a small act of kindness gave it to Crugg!
(over 5 years ago) [link]
Friday has defeated
Master Windfisher to reach level 6. "Do you know where to find the Wind Fish?" Windfisher says.
(over 5 years ago) [link]
Crugg and Friday were seen hanging out at the Grey Hood Tavern.
(over 5 years ago) [link]
Friday has defeated
Master Molodrin to reach level 5. "It's my Fire Axe, it's always my Fire Axe!" Molodrin says.
(over 5 years ago) [link]
Friday was seen at the Pumpkin Festival pie eating contest. Friday won the second place ribbon!
(over 5 years ago) [link]
Friday was seen at the Pumpkin Festival looking at balloons. Friday bought a balloon and let it get away!
(over 5 years ago) [link]
Crugg and Friday were seen hanging out at the Grey Hood Tavern.
(over 5 years ago) [link]