Tale of the White Wyvern - Nawt Wynnor

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Claw Keeper: Nawt Wynnor Cis Male Warrior

Level: 10
Experience: 1,139,127
Alive: Yes
Nawt Wynnor was last seen walking through the Town Square.

Nawt Wynnor is in a partnership with Quite Dapper.

Titles Earned: ["Apprentice", "Cheerful Patron", "Ghost Friend", "Original Hype", "Game Dev Quester", "Dot Matrix Defender", "Scale Holder", "Claw Keeper"]
Wyvern Kills: 2
Player Kills: 10
Total Deaths: 34
Hat: Golden Monocle
Fishing Pole: Silver Fish Finder

Nawt Wynnor is a Cheerful Ghost Member and gets some incredible Member only perks! You can get these perks too!

Member-only Items: Horse Armor. If anyone introduces horses to this area, Nawt Wynnor will be set!

View Nawt Wynnor's profile on Cheerful Ghost

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