Tale of the White Wyvern - Conversation at the Inn

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Scale Holder: TheRealGolok
(almost 5 years ago)
"Congratulations Daibros for winning Season 2!"
Wyvernslayer: Blue
(almost 5 years ago)
"Apparently girls just wanna have fun."
Wyvernslayer: Blue
(almost 5 years ago)
Scale Holder: TheRealGolok
(almost 5 years ago)
"15 year old demon!"
Wyvernslayer: Blue
(almost 5 years ago)
"Some day that three year old demon is going to be a teenager, just sayin'. LOL"
Wyvernslayer: Blue
(almost 5 years ago)
""Blue" https://youtu.be/63OQpngOZ2I"
Wyvernslayer: Blue
(almost 5 years ago)
"I'm not really a barbarian, I just play one on Conan Exiles and Diablo 3. LOL"
Scale Holder: TheRealGolok
(almost 5 years ago)
"You killed Travis the Barbarian? YOU BARBARIAN! Wait.."
Wyvernslayer: Blue
(almost 5 years ago)
"I wish I didn't just have to kill Black Sabbath. What a shame."
Wyvernslayer: Blue
(almost 5 years ago)
"Sorry, Travis, I killed your barbarian in the forest. LOL"