Tale of the White Wyvern - Adventurers In The Fields

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You look out over the vast fields and notice some adventurers practicing their craft while some are resting for the day.

Wyvernslayer: Declan Cis Masculine Rogue
Level 10 (3,379,937 experience)
Titan: Friday - Cis Feminine Rogue
Level 2 (1,857 experience)
Apprentice: JESUS - Male Mage
Level 1 (27 experience)
Apprentice: Twilight - Female Mage
Level 1 (13 experience)
Apprentice: War torn - Agender Warrior
Level 1 (3 experience)
Apprentice: Bob - Man Warrior
Level 1 (1 experience)
Apprentice: mike oxlong - Trans Female Mage
Level 1 (1 experience)