Tale of the White Wyvern - Woodhaven Lake Fishing Leaderboards

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The leaderboards for Fisherfolk that discovered the most fish in Wyrmdoor!

  1. Ghost Friend: Golok Cis Male Mage
    Fish Discovered: 27
  2. Titan: Rather Dashing - Masculine Mage
    Fish Discovered: 27
  3. Wyvernslayer: Declan Cis Masculine Rogue
    Fish Discovered: 27
  4. Apprentice: Maverick - Male Rogue
    Fish Discovered: 27
  5. Wyvernslayer: Beist Dov - Other Mage
    Fish Discovered: 27
  6. Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck Male Rogue
    Fish Discovered: 27
  7. Titan: Friday - Cis Feminine Rogue
    Fish Discovered: 27
  8. Titan: Conan - Demiguy Rogue
    Fish Discovered: 27
  9. Demideity: Marixu Cas - Pangender Rogue
    Fish Discovered: 27
  10. Apprentice: Kern Brepall - Male Mage
    Fish Discovered: 27