Tale of the White Wyvern - Daily News for 2025-01-11
News for January 11, 2025
Declan has defeated
Master Meckard Cain to reach level 8. "You've learned all you can from me!" Meckard Cain says.
(11 days ago) [link]
Declan has defeated
Master Neridys to reach level 7. "You are becoming quite the adventurer!" Neridys says.
(11 days ago) [link]
Caprinicus and Declan were seen hanging out at the Farm at Woodhaven Lake.
(11 days ago) [link]
Crugg and Friday were seen hanging out at the Grey Hood Tavern.
(11 days ago) [link]
Declan has defeated
Master Windfisher to reach level 6. "Do you know where to find the Wind Fish?" Windfisher says.
(11 days ago) [link]
Declan has defeated
Master Molodrin to reach level 5. "It's my Fire Axe, it's always my Fire Axe!" Molodrin says.
(11 days ago) [link]
Caprinicus and Declan were seen hanging out at the Farm at Woodhaven Lake.
(11 days ago) [link]
Friday has defeated
Master Biblo to reach level 10. "Let's smoke some pipe weed." Biblo says.
(11 days ago) [link]