Tale of the White Wyvern - Daily News for 2025-01-12
News for January 12, 2025
Master Molodrin has defeated Friday in training. "You need to spend more time training." Molodrin says.
(10 days ago) [link]
Friday has defeated
Master Elah Forkwood to reach level 4. "We need more adventurers like you." Elah Forkwood says.
(10 days ago) [link]
Friday has defeated
Master Korak to reach level 3. "I knew you had something special when we met for the first time." Korak says.
(10 days ago) [link]
Friday has defeated
Master Alder to reach level 2. "I wish you well on your long journey to the Wyvern." Alder says.
(10 days ago) [link]
Scarlet and Friday were seen hanging out at the Inn.
(10 days ago) [link]
Friday rubbed out The White Wyvern! The town celebrates Friday's 312th victory! "Welcome to the party, pal," Friday yells.
(10 days ago) [link]
Friday has defeated
Master Tarbreth to reach level 12. "You are ready to seek the White Wyvern!" Tarbreth says.
(10 days ago) [link]
Mer-Ek and Friday were seen hanging out at the Water Temple.
(10 days ago) [link]
Declan has defeated
Master Biblo to reach level 10. "Let's smoke some pipe weed." Biblo says.
(10 days ago) [link]
Caprinicus and Declan were seen hanging out at the Farm at Woodhaven Lake.
(10 days ago) [link]