Tale of the White Wyvern - Scribble on the Wall

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Ghost Friend: Golok
(12 months ago)
"This place is a real OUTHOUSE!"
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(about 3 years ago)
"Yeah, I think after 6 months I've learned I can wash my own hands."
Ghost Friend: Golok
(about 3 years ago)
"Might be waiting a while. 🤣"
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(over 3 years ago)
"There's a sign that says "employees must wash hands" and I'm still waiting for an employee to come wash my hands!"
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(over 3 years ago)
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(about 4 years ago)
Ghost Friend: Golok
(about 4 years ago)
"Draws a big picture of a Wyvern with a funny hat."
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(about 4 years ago)
"Be kind."
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(over 4 years ago)
"Ah, the 90's, we miss you!"
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(over 4 years ago)