Tale of the White Wyvern - Scribble on the Wall

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Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(almost 4 years ago)
"I've been gifted two shirts with that quote. LOL"
Ghost Friend: Golok
(almost 4 years ago)
"Good call. 🤣"
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(almost 4 years ago)
"No, I will not fix your computer!"
Ghost Friend: Golok
(about 4 years ago)
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(about 4 years ago)
"Another brick in the wall"
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(about 4 years ago)
"Did she shake you all night long?"
Ghost Friend: Golok
(about 4 years ago)
"I am so shook RN"
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(about 4 years ago)
"Also see what happens after you flush: https://youtu.be/3n-lmuTnouw"
Cheerful Patron: GregoPeck
(about 4 years ago)
"Want to know why there are crescent moons and other symbols on outhouses? Check out this link and stick around for the bonus fact at about 11:03: https://youtu.be/J_HehTDrbdI"
Ghost Friend: Golok
(about 4 years ago)
"Yeah good point, let’s keep it open. 👻"