Tale of the White Wyvern - Tarbreth's Hall of Honored Adventurers
Wyvernslayer: [ Declan ]
with 301 Wyvern Kills
and 60 Paragon Points
Level 8 (213,781 experience)
Titan: Friday
with 300 Wyvern Kills
and 60 Paragon Points
Level 10 (3,586,523 experience)
Cheerful Patron: [ GregoPeck ]
with 76 Wyvern Kills
and 15 Paragon Points
Level 4 (7,043 experience)
Titan: Rather Dashing
with 73 Wyvern Kills
and 14 Paragon Points
Level 11 (4,504,010 experience)
Titan: Conan
with 46 Wyvern Kills
and 8 Paragon Points
Level 3 (1,842 experience)
Prestidigitonium: MyDude
with 26 Wyvern Kills
and 4 Paragon Points
Level 12 (425,289,155 experience)
Ghost Friend: +Golok+
with 21 Wyvern Kills
and 4 Paragon Points
Level 11 (5,487,417 experience)
Apprentice: Kern Brepall
with 20 Wyvern Kills
and 4 Paragon Points
Level 1 (1 experience)
Apprentice: Maverick
with 13 Wyvern Kills
and 2 Paragon Points
Level 9 (1,161,349 experience)
Wyvernslayer: Beist Dov
with 12 Wyvern Kills
and 2 Paragon Points
Level 8 (234,098 experience)