Tale of the White Wyvern - Declan

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Wyvernslayer: Declan Cis Masculine Rogue

Level: 10
Experience: 3,183,527
Alive: Yes
Declan was last seen standing in line at the Yar Sisters Bank.

Declan is in a partnership with Friday.

Titles Earned: ["Apprentice", "Cheerful Patron", "Ghost Friend", "Original Hype", "Scale Holder", "Claw Keeper", "Tooth Bearer", "Wyrmsbane", "Game Dev Quester", "Dot Matrix Defender", "Wyvernslayer", "Prestigious", "Prestidigitonium", "Demigod", "Demigoddess", "Demideity", "God", "Goddess", "Deity", "Old God", "Ancient Goddess", "Eternal Deity", "Nephilim", "Titan"]
Wyvern Kills: 320
Player Kills: 104
Total Deaths: 281
Hat: Black Fedora
Fishing Pole: Nothing

Declan is a Cheerful Ghost Member and gets some incredible Member only perks! You can get these perks too!

Member-only Items: Horse Armor. If anyone introduces horses to this area, Declan will be set!

View Declan's profile on Cheerful Ghost

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